
How do I remove accents in a string?

I have a string áéíóú Which I want to convert to aeiou How do I remove accents? I need to save in the database as a URL.

Accentuation error in IDE - Linux editor

I'm having accentuation issues on IDE's 'Netbeans ' and'Android Studio'. My operating system is linux elementary os [element ... owever, when I open android studio through the terminal (as root) the accentuation works. [Netbeans couldn't test this way].

How to do a search ignoring accentuation in Python?

Suppose I have a list of words, in Python (if necessary, already ordered according to the rules of collation): palavras = [ ... How to sort a list, which alone does not answer the question). The module locale it also did not offer much help. How to do?

How to solve accentuation problems when using the setlocale function?

I'm trying to set the program language to Portuguese, using setlocale(LC_ALL,"Portuguese"), however, much of the program was ... h library of the C language, this setlocale should work on both Windows and Ubuntu. Does anyone have idea what's the problem?

MySQL PHP problem when using trema

I need to develop a script that checks for a trema-accented character in the string and saves a variable from the string with ... nto mysql, it works. I have another query in the same file that works (it is not connection to the database). What can it be?

Problems with UTF-8 ISO-8859-1 mysql php accentuation on [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... Latin1 and returned to UTF - 8 and nothing. I tried utf8_encode (), htmlentities () and it stays the same. Any suggestions?

How to draw frames on the console, along with accented words?

I use the function BoxDraw below to draw frames, in a program with output in text mode (console). I can not use this functio ... cout << "Opção inválida!" << endl; getEnterFromInput(); mainMenu(p, n); break; } }

How to remove accents and other graphical signs from a string in Java?

How to remove accents and other graphical signals from a string in Java? Ex.: String s = "maçã"; String semAcento = ???; // resultado: "maca"

How to filter so that accents are not differentiated in Google Sheets?

Hello, I have a column with names of cities, which names are placed in different ways: "são paulo", "SAO PAULO", "Sao Paulo", ... does not work like this. I'm new to Google Sheets and I'm catching a lot. Anyone have any ideas? Now, thank you very much.

How to do a search ignoring accentuation in JavaScript?

Suppose I have a list of words, in JavaScript (if necessary, already ordered according to the rules of collation): var pal ... ddle . I will tailor each answer to this example as best I can and avail it based on that. So we can have a canonical answer.

Page showing question and bank showing accent? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... in the bank appears (á) and on the site appears the query. (�) How do I show accent in everything? I am using PHP and mysql.

Edit Latex in Vim and Aspell-accents

Hello, I'm trying to use VIM to edit a latex file. When writing the text in Latex on the same I can accent normally, having ... ckage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{aeguill} Has some way to save the aquivo .tex in the form that can I use Aspell or Texmaker?

strtoupper() with accents

The function strtoupper() of PHP is not turning the letters with accent to Capital, see the example: echo strtoupper("virá"); // retorna VIRá Have any native functions that solve this problem?

Problem with accentuation when generating PDF with dompdf

I am generating a PDF report using the dompdf API, and the words containing accentuation are not displaying correctly. I put ... ento.pdf', array('Attachment'=>0)); ?> The result does not come out as expected in the pdf...what could be happening?