
Relative positioning + adaptability

How can I remove the offset of a block that is positioned relative to another block approximately in the center? With the scr ... of">Photographer</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section>

Adaptive HTML/CSS layout

body { background: orange; margin: 0; margin-top: -140px; width: 100%; height: 1109px; } #container { ... gled a lot of things, but I didn't understand how to fix it. How do I fix this? (Without changing the position of the blocks)

Non-integer number of pixels in the layout

How to set the size of an element when writing html code in a non-integer number of pixels, namely in an integer and an infinite decimal fraction (for example, (100/3)%)?

How do I make the background adaptive?

Hello! The essence of the problem: when making up the site, you need the background to be displayed correctly on all devices, ... nd-repeat: no-repeat; } I tried using media queries to insert another image with dimensions 375x812 - the result is the same

Set three background images and their style

The page has 3 background images: the topmost , middle, and bottom. The first image should always be fully displayed on the s ... and third are clipped (left and right) if the screen is too small, i.e. should not stretch. What is the best way to do this?

Adaptive HTML/CSS header

I make an adaptive header, something seems to come out... But I got stuck on one point: when the screen width decreases, when ... I messed up something, and the links can safely run behind the nav block, and this prevents it. But I can't find the error...

How to make a responsive website design for mobile phones?

Writing a website https://onskrer.github.io/YIStroi/ But on mobile devices, it is displayed incorrectly, the content is not the full width of the screen. Please help me fix this, I didn't work with media queries before.

background image with a block inside

There is an external block with a background image for the entire block and inside it a block with content 2 questions Ho ... ong with the background And how to make the rest of the bamboo foliage visible Website http://frontend-er.h1n.ru/asia-spa/

Empty spaces at the end of Grid and flex columns at certain browser window sizes

Dear colleagues! Here is the patient: (http://www.lifetree.angliskiyprosto.com/). Created a grid grid with three columns and ... arranged in a vertical row, but how do I do this?, so that it is normal on the size of the viewport that is in the picture?

The actual screen resolution of users ' devices. Analysis of Yandex. Metrica and Yandex. Analytics

I'm updating the site for mobile devices. I want to understand what screen resolutions are mostly in demand among users of my ... smartphone screen sizes displayed, for example, for the Galaxy S5 360x640. Why is that? Something I don't understand...

Split the page with two colors diagonally

How can a page be divided by two colors diagonally so that it is adaptive? .red, .black { width: 100%; height: 5 ... ed; } .black { background-color: black; } <div class="red"></div> <div class="black"></div>

The problem is in the font, Montserrat on PC and android looks fine, on Safari It changes the style

Here is what it should look like https://prnt.sc/uvzw6l, and so it is displayed on the iPhone 6s+ https://prnt.sc/uvzwwb Who faced such a problem?

How do I redo the Bootstrap Navbar system?

There is a regular, standard Bootstrap Navbar taken from the documentation Bootstrap. The principle of its operation, I think ... den in the "гамбургер" menu. How can I change the mechanism so that only the elements that do not fit are hidden in the menu?

In the mobile version of Bootstrap, how can I make sure that when opening the Navbar, the nested Dropdowns are already opened?

Here is the top Navbar, it has a Dropdown menu: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#navbar On the wide screen, the Navbar is ... "></script> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

Adaptive jquery modal window

There is a window on jq, I implement it like this: $(function () { $("#modal-dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, dr ... </div> </div> </div> } </div> How do I make such a window adaptive?

Take the entire remaining height of the div. How?

I use Bootstrtap 4. div - y with the class h100percent must take all the remaining height in the div-e wrapper. In this case, ... nd-color: CORAL'>Foter</div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

Reduce svg images proportionally

You need to change the browser window to reduce proportionally or return to the normal state of individual objects svg. Please write an example to at least know what's what.

Media queries don't work

Hello! Please help me with some advice: I try to use media queries to adjust the width of the header and content, but it does ... o be written to a style file? How else can you implement the idea? I also tried max-device-width, but it still doesn't work.

Wrapping a block with other blocks

Suppose there is a code like this http://jsfiddle.net/h0czgwgu/ .left { width: 50px; height: 50px; border: 1px ... v class="content"></div> How do I make the blocks content flow around the block left, and not crawl under it?

Adaptive text rotation

You need to make the title of the adaptive block with a rotation. The catch is that the block is adaptive, the width changes ... gt;Неизвестное количество текста текст</p> <p class="text">Сколько угодно текста текст</p> </div>