
How to install the php-xml module on hosting with access via ips manager?

There is a website on wordpress where to import data using the wpallimport plugin. However, I get the inability to load the e ... do this yourself or contact your system administrator. " How can I install it myself? Hosting with access by ips manager ?

How do I give the MS SQL database role the right to create and modify tables and other objects?

Hello everyone There was such a problem: there is a database with such a scheme: You need to create 3 roles: Full access ... as well as built-in functions and triggers through the database roles. SQL Server Version 13.0.5026.0 2016 Developer Edition

Parameters in the Powershell script variables

Hello everybody!Question: is there a powershell script that has a variable, conditionally $User_name? Is it possible to make ... in the task: execute "myscript. ps1" parameters: "$User_name= "Ololosha Valueva"", and the script is executed for this user.

What should a novice Linux network administrator know?

Tell me, please, what should a novice Linux network administrator know, in addition to knowledge of the RFC?

How do I use deprecated components in the task scheduler?

In the task scheduler, when adding a new task, in addition to opening the application, there are functions for displaying mes ... d there, and whether it is possible to bypass this annoying notification, after all, using, for example, the output messages?

How to check the connection to the MS SQL database on Ubuntu?

You need to check the connection to the MS SQL database on the remote Ubuntu machine (Ubuntu 18.04). As I understand it, I ne ... on the Internet. I found such a client for mysql, but I do not know if it will work for connecting to MS SQL (I believe not)

Hosting wcf services on your home PC

I'm trying to make a simple chat in c# wcf I found an example for working on one PC,(here is the video), but I want to make ... <add baseAddress="net.tcp://"/> Dhcp is configured Please point out my mistakes in advance thank you

What should a system administrator be able to do? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... I want to know what are the varieties of this profession and what should a person learn to be a system administrator?

Creating an http network folder

I work on windows 10. There is a network address http://some_name.ru/folder_name on the Internet, when I go to it, I see a li ... t file manipulation, for example, for copying? UPD: when creating a network environment it turns out that this is the error:

System Administration for Beginners [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... Please advise me books for learning system administration for beginners. I can't find it. Both for Linux and Windows.

(WinHttp.WinHttpRequest): Error supporting secure channels

We need the help of experts. I created a Telegram bot in 1C 8.2 with the usual forms, for a while the bot received user mess ... / x-www-form-urlencoded; charset = Windows-1251"); WinHttp.Send(); PS (IE Version 8 ) maybe because of this?

grub can't see Windows 10

The other day I put an SSD-shnik on my computer. Since I use Windows for Il-2 and similar purposes, I decided to place Window ... gard, the second question is - how can I see the log of grub? After all, when it works, the file systems are not mounted yet!

When you change the ssh port after a reboot, the server dies

So, we have a completely clean centos 7 system. And I decided first of all to change the ssh port there and do, for example, ... ything was fine, they are still working on a non-standard port. And then I took a few VPSok from a new hoster and here it is.

What are Windows 10 Activation Points? How many of them are there in total and why are they needed?

The computer is running Windows 10, I'm going to change the hard drive (video card, network card, processor, memory, etc.), w ... activation fly off? I read about some points that are spent when changing hardware, how it happens and can it be controlled?

Restoring Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) after a fatal crash

On a computer running Windows 10, WMI stopped working. No scripts that used to work normally now function. The range of retur ... le" and so on). Is it possible to fix this? Why did this happen? If not, is it possible to work without a functioning WMI?

Connecting the switch and the router to the same network

There is a switch (switch) and a router. How can they be connected so that both the wireless devices from the router and the ... sure. And if on the contrary, will the devices connected to the router from the devices connected to the switch be available?

Routing through an ipip tunnel

There is a banal task: To connect two centos7 servers with an ipip tunnel and route each other's local networks through it, b ... ICMP host unreachable, length 92 04:43:39.512526 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46

Where to fix open basedir?

Debian8 with VestaCP phpinfo shows the following data (domain name closed) It seems like they write that you need to edit ... are the wrong files. Where is the local value of open_basedir set? Because the Master Value on the right is empty (no value)