
Add an IP range to routes using route add

Using the command route I want to add not a specific IP, but a range Tried route add -p 172.16.80. ... r what am I doing wrong? UPD I wanted to add a range of gateways with one command. It turned out that this is not possible.

How to remotely uninstall software from multiple PCs using Active Directory

How do I delete programs remotely on multiple (~200) PCs at once? List of programs: Adobe Acrobat XI, WinRAR, Adobe Photoshop CS6, etc. Client machines: Windows software 7, 8, 8,1, 10. Active Directory is available to me.

ORA-12560: TNS: protocol adapter error when connecting to the database. How to fix it?

There is an Oracle DATABASE on a virtual machine. Access from the machine itself via sqlplus works. I can't connect to the ne ... s.domain_name runs without errors. I connect to other databases on other machines on the network. Where to see how to fix it?

Administration of Mikrotik. Spurious traffic on port 53, what to do?

On the 53/udp port of the router, a noticeable amount of traffic drops during the day. I already read about DNS Amplification ... rganize filtering and whether this traffic is necessary for the router to work. UPD: There is a web server behind the router

Small TV channel server architecture

Interested in a Linux server or other productive system + a file system connected to the server i-Stor iS16S6S6 with a JBOD v ... liar with Debian distributions (Ubuntu, Mint) and openSUSE What architectural solutions would you recommend for such a task?

Full disk backup with multiple installed systems on USB

In general, there is Windows on the disk and Linux next to it. You need to copy the disk so that you end up with a flash drive for automatic installation on an empty system, in general, you need a bootable flash drive.

Arduino sending data to a TCP server

Hello, please help, I was climbing on the Internet but I could not find a clear answer, Google is trying hard to push me to s ... o receive them at the same time, or if the transmission is active with one arduino, the second will choke, how to avoid this?

how to configure xinetd to run a python script?

When connecting to the server, as I understand it, the script should run here is the script itself #! /usr/bin/python import ... do it right? The browser is already bursting with tabs with information, according to which everything seems to be correct...

How to combine the power of several computers running a single Linux system?

There are a lot of unnecessary, working system blocks lying around in the office. So I decided to combine them into a single ... t will she do? Yes, anything, even if will be a web server with an ip on the internet or just an Ubuntu or fedora workstation