
After viewing an admob ad on iOS, the sound disappears in a game created on Unity

Hello everyone. Trying to create a game on Unity! Such a problem: After viewing the ads (test or real) provided by Google (I ... and is ready to supplement the question with the necessary information. Don't know if ProjectSettings or my code is needed?!

How to bypass "Fatal signal 11( SIGSEGV), code 1"?

To reproduce the error, you need to open and close the application several times. After 2-5 times of opening and closing, I c ... tImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.2' androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.3.0' }

Advertising ID in Android [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... he new rules? Does this new rule mean that the user will be able to disable ads simply by unchecking the box in the settings?

What is the" compliance factor " in Admob?

What is the" matching coefficient " in Admob in simple words? And how can this coefficient be increased? Thanks)

Admob ads are not displayed

Good afternoon! I'm trying to add ads to my app, all according to the instructions ... s not enabled. No CSI reporter created. The banner is not visible either on the emulator or on the real device. What to do?

Adding ads to an app without Google Play

Good day dear! I have such a question. I'm writing an android app. The app unfortunately most likely can not be placed in Goo ... is not on Google Play? Perhaps my question will seem stupid, I just have never done such things before. Thank you in advance!

Registering a Google Play developer account and withdrawing money in Russia

I need to create a developer account in Google Play in order to upload my apps and receive money from ads in these apps. What ... ount in Google Play, what kind of credit card is needed for this, and where to get it, and about withdrawing money in Russia.

How to delete apk published on GooglePlay

Hello, I developed a game in GameMaker and published on Google Play in the category "for the whole family" but this fact caus ... about the subject but has no way to insert in GameMaker: Thank you.

To use Admob is it mandatory to publish the app in official store?

I'm finishing an app that features banners coming from Admob. It was not clear (to me) if the application must be distributed in an official store (Google Play or Apple App Store), or if I can distribute by other means, such as email, website, etc.

Close ad by clicking the close button

I would like to know how do I close the layout adview if the user clicks on the "X" of the ad. My ad code is the one below a ... this question: Disable admob ads after a click? (in English) but I did not succeed! Can anyone help me with this question?

AdMob no ads appear

I did everything right: I linked the app with firebase, only when it comes to running the ad area is white. Now if I use unit ... tring> <string name="banner_ad_unit_id">ca-app-pub- 1770401303076452/1027518523</string> </resources>

Using Google AdMob

I'm using Google admob to place ads in my app, but I have some doubts Can I use the same ad block (id) for multiple activi ... new AdRequest.Builder().build()); } } For now the ad is only loaded after the bank (firebase) I want just the opposite

How to create a transparent or colorless background in css?

What code in css to make the background transparent, or colorless? I'm creating a native ad on Admob and I need the background to be transparent.

My real ads don't appear in my app, only test ads

Good afternoon, I'm making an app and I'm setting up the ads part using Google admob, but when I Button my Ad ID does not app ... raintHorizontal_bias="0.498" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"></>

AdMob-Banner does not appear in my app

Good Morning, I am trying to include a banner in an application via AdMob following what is in: ... banner is not displayed even with the codes provided by AdMob for testing. I'm running straight on my mobile for the tests.

Ionic com admob-free ad displays only " Nice Job"

I created an application with Ionic version: 3.20.1 and configured with admobfree: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admob- ... d ? Updated: 02/03/2019 I tried to see with this plugin also, more unsuccessfully: Using Admob With Ionic Framework