
Removing excess blanks

How to remove whitespace inside a string? Would be in the sense of removing spaces from a text string, with the exception of simple spaces between words. Like Excel's "tidy up" function.

Error: 102 run query via MsExecAuto

I have little experience in advpl. I was studying the subject and I have a little problem. I get the erro 102 when I try to i ... IAL = ' ' AND > Z90.D_E_L_E_T_= ' ' AND Z92.Z92_FILIAL = ' ' AND Z92.D_E_L_E_T_= ' ' > AND Z92.Z92_EST IN ('SP' ) ''

How to change URL in Microsiga Totvs application browser

The default Microsiga Totvs page has its own default browser, What are the settings to allow the user to change the URL ? Only the default browser home page of the machine used appears,

How to read DBF generated in Protheus in Visual Fox Pro?

I generated a DBF in Protheus and am having difficulty opening the file in Visual FoxPro as it does not recognize the file by ... is not a table. Has anyone been through this or know which version of DBF that Protheus and Visual FoxPro work? Thank you.

Problem Angular CORS + Protheus

I searched a few places and found nothing about it, I would like to know if anyone has been through it and can help me. I am ... ave already tried to release in appserver.ini of Protheus to accept CORS of any origin, and I do not know what else can be.

Two-dimensional array search

Hello, I did some courses to learn how to program and I have learned advpl, I learned how to do searches in arrays using th ... forma, o valor não é encontrado //local nPos := aScan( aTest, .F. ) Is there any way to search in a two-dimensional array?

Meaning de.CH in Clipper and ADVPL languages?

When we use a language like Clipper or ADVPL, we usually use the libraries ( includes ). CH, but I don't know what it means. ... ld be Custom Header file or Clipper Header File, but I'm not sure yet. Therefore, what is the real meaning of the acronym?

Send xml via post to API

I need to send an xml via post to an api, but it gets the following error: String could not be parsed as XML It gets send ... Post(cUrl1,,,nTimeOut,aHeadOut,@cHeadRet, cXML) ALERT(sPostRet) return Only he lives giving the error of ser string.

FwTemporaryTable [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... mpTable:Delete() return If anyone has a clearer reading, or videos on the subject, I also accept it as a form of help \ O

How to prevent Advpl HttpPost from printing payload to log file?

I am doing a routine of sending information from Protheus to my system. To send the information, I am using the function Http ... read finished (####, #####, 27.15 MB.) [INFO ][SERVER] [Thread 16304] [21/11/2018 11:40:26] Monitor finished (####, #####)