
Run PHP script in Windows Task Scheduler

I have a PHP script that I currently leave running with an open browser, with the command below: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="refre ... rvas/EnviarEmailLembrete.p hp Could not open input file: http://localhost/reservas/EnviarEmailLembrete.php Code JsFiddle

How do I run cron Jobs in PHP?

I wanted to use Cron Jobs in these php: titles.php <tr> <td bgcolor="<?=$highlight?>"> <? require('co ... not know what PTC Google search, Obs already created the cron jobs in CPanel: 59 23 * * * php -f /home/u844214382/cronjobs

How to schedule a recurring task on linux?

What command can I use to schedule a recurring task on linux? I would also like to send the return of the command by email automatically. What is the most suitable tool?

Weekly Agenda Rails 5

I need to implement a simple schedule in Rails to present daily schedules, I adapted the model and the controller to add new ... I'm only using jquery on the front and I don't intend to create a REST api, I just want to present in the list view that way.