
How to calculate the total execution time of multiple AWS Lambda functions

I have two dozen lambdas, 10 of them with tag1 tag, the second 10 with tag2 tag. I need to count the number of calls and the ... oes not quite suit me, the number of lambdas will be increase over time, and such operations will become long and expensive

Belonging of the VolumeId to the InstanceID [cloudwatch-exporter]

Via prometheus cloudwatch exporter pulled the metric aws_ebs_burst_balance_minimum{job="aws_ebs",instance="",volume_id="vol-0 ... understand which instance this block device is attached to.How can I match volume_id and instance_id, or some other solution?

Can't open ports 8080 and all others on AWS EC2

Hello everyone, I can't open ports 8080 and all others, on AWS EC2, ubuntu is installed, the security group has full access f ... ,iptables is not active), but the port is closed and that's it...only two ports work 22, 80, please tell me what I did wrong?