
Incorrect installation of NDK: Unity 2019.3.2f1

In new versions of Unity (such as 2019.*.*), you need to download Unity Hub and then install Unity and other necessary tools ... re any other way to install the NDK, or how to remove this check mark in Unity Hub, so that you can try to download it again?

could not load library "libstdc++. so. 6" under System. LoadLibrary in Android

When I try to do System.loadLibrary("MyLib"); in android, the following happens in the static block: Caused by: java.lang.Un ... libraries separately, using the NDK? Then how do people manage to use even other people's libraries without the source code?

Android NDK. A lot of ABIs: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a… Which one of them is really worth building for?

Armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64, mips, mips64... Well, armeabi-it seems clear. This kind of architecture is on ... arm64-v8a? Which one is more relevant? How do I determine which one is supported by my gadget? Can there be several at once?

Android + NDK rebuild project

I have macOS, Android Studio, and an NDK project. I make changes to the C++ code, but it does not work out, they say that y ... ld the project for this. Never worked with NDK, how do I rebuild a project so that all the changes made in C++ are applied?

How to properly implement a C++ project in Android?

Such a story, I have a project written in C++, which compiles and works. I also have a project android. In fact, there are ... this Https:// Any suggestions are welcome

Code::Blocks + Android NDK

How to cross properly Code::Blocks + Android NDK so that the debag also works (pass to ADB?). Perhaps there is a manual, or a ... this topic, there is very little.. except to mention that it's possible. P.S. please do not offer to install Android Studio.

What is Android NDK?

From what I understand Android NDK is geared towards development with c or C++, despite supporting Java through the JNI (Ja ... ss the difference between ARM and Intel x86 processors? Will the apps be compiled at the time of installation on the device?

Is it possible to use the SDK and NDK with Android Studio? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... NDK to make use of these functions in C/C++. I read some tutorials but could not clarify my doubt. Thank you for your help.

Method returns different data as per Android Architecture

I created a library for Android and that has a method that returns the milliseconds of the epoch date. I tested on 2 differen ... y(&tp, NULL); //Calcula os milisegundos da data epoch long ms = tp.tv_sec * 1000 + tp.tv_usec / 1000; return ms; }