
How to avoid overwriting PendingIntent in Android?

The application should create notifications that differ in content, however, when creating a new PendingIntent, all previous ... int NOTIFY_ID = Integer.valueOf(CreateActivity.getLastEventId()); notificationManager.notify(NOTIFY_ID, notification);}

Send notification message to app

I am developing an APP and have the need to send warnings to users who use this APP. For example, in apps from shopping websi ... age can reach the parents who use the APP on your mobile phone warning about meetings, newsletter deliveries, etc. Any tips?

How to repeat a minute-by-minute notification

I'm creating a simple app that gets a notification every time I click a button on my layout, everything works perfectly. Now ... vice (NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); notificationManager.notify (0, notification); } }); } }

Clear old notifications the moment you enter the app

Does anyone know how do I clean up my app's old notifications from the moment I enter the app through the icon and not the notification itself. Whatsapp does this on android, but can't find a way to work with it, thank you.

Android notifications are not launched

I use RTP_WAKEUP to "wake up" my device when it realizes that it has notifications to launch and in fact I can launch notific ... vibrator.vibrate(1500); mNotificationManager.notify(id,; } }

Error with icon, vibration and sound in notification

I am developing an app that receives notifications from firebase, I am able to receive notifications quietly when the applica ... .play(); }catch (Exception e){ } notificationManager.notify(0 /* ID of notification */, mNotification); } }

Notifications on time and when calling mobile

Hello. I am making an android app that notifies me when I have to deliver a school assignment and in case it is the day of th ... ons, for example, at 10pm but if I take the notification, it appears again! So it's take that shows again : / How to solve?