
RecyclerView does not roll fast

I have a RecyclerView that only rolls with the finger stuck on the screen, if I make that quick move, to roll enough items, i ... xt(MainActivity.this); recyclerView.setAdapter(adapter); I have other RecyclerView in the same app that are rolling normal.

Android development recovering firebase data

Hello guys I come again after answers, I have a bank in firebase that has some movies and series and even tv shows, I wanted ... ancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) { progressDialog.dismiss(); } }); progressDialog.hide(); }

How to pass data received from an activity and put it in a recyclerview

Hello, I'm a beginner in java programming and I'm having a hard time passing some serialized information from an activity to ... eco; } public void setPreco(String preco) { this.preco = preco; } public String toString(){ return comida; } }

RecyclerView error: No layout manager attached

I couldn't find the error. My activity: private AdapterPacientes adapterPacientes; private static MVP.Presenter presenter; ... tructure is in the MVP standard. Data is being brought in and arraylist is being populated correctly. I appreciate it now.

Capture selected RecyclerView item to another screen

I have my search screen. When typing, it brings up the search result. The result is shown in a recyclerview. My Recyclerview ... public void onClick(View view) { carregarWEBServiceDeletar(); } }); return vista; }

Break line when components inside RecyclerView occupy full screen width

Is it possible to make when the width of the components of a list occupy the full width of the screen, the next component des ... ext1, text2, text3, etc... These are layouts that have a TextView and the texts within these TextViews are of sizes various.

Take the firebase storage download link and save it to a database string to be displayed in cardview via Picasso or similar [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... TH_SHORT).show(); } }); imagem.setImageBitmap(thumbnail); }