
Drawable and mipmap directories in Android Studio

I am interested in this question: I have only a folder drawable in Android Studio, there are no folders drawable-hdpi, ...-md ... hdpi, mipmap-mdpi, mipmap-xhdpi, mipmap-xxhdpi. Where do I need to upload the icons that I want to use in my project? Thanks.

mipmap and drawable - in which cases to use

Hello! In the project I'm currently working on, ALL the images were placed by the previous developer in mipmap-xxxx. In draw ... images in mipmap, or is it a mistake? It would be good, if possible, to use references to the documentation in the responses

When should I use mipmaps?

After Google started adding mipmaps I ended up not searching exactly why. Even with this addition, it doesn't stop anything ... real difference between Mipmap and Drawable ? When should I use mipmap ? Is there any limitation in case I use Drawable ?

Error trying to display a vector imageView (SVG)!

Good Guys, in this app I intend to do a test by inserting a vector image in the main activity. I made the integration proces ... o need, since the rest is funfando smooth. Tutorial in question (video) = > Integrate SVG = > (site) Android Coffe