
How to do lazy loading correction in Angular 6, unknown component error

I'm trying to do lazy loading so that it loads certain modules when hitting the URL that actually needs to load these modules ... s: [ LdsFacebookComponent, LdsFacebookBlueComponent], providers: [] }) export class ComponentsModule { }

Angular Calendar 6-calendar does not show events on first load

The calendar does not show events on the first upload. Only when I trigger any event like clicking the button to change the v ... modalData.event.start); console.log("end:" + this.modalData.event.end); } } FIRST LOAD AFTER TRIGGERING SOME EVENT

Cannot read property 'data' of undefined

I am getting the following response: {"content":[{"id":"33","dsProjeto":"EXT-016370-00002","nomeProjeto":"Brazil IT Assesme ... .set('ord',ord) .set('dir', dir) }).pipe( map(res => res["payload"]) ); } Can anyone help me?

Observable, when to use?

Why and when should I use Observable, what are its advantages and disadvantages and its difference compared to Promisses?

Angular: error in model with object listing

I have these 2 models, and the book has a list of language type objects. Model book import { Language} from "./language"; ex ... uage.push(this.myLanguage); //error - undefined } Would Need some different kind of statement for this listing? Thank you.

How to disable a property in Edit module in Angular?

I am with an application in Angular Version 6, and when I click on the project to edit the system loads the Edit screen with ... gredients }); } } For those who want to have access to the full project, it is in my repository; My Repository

Angular 7-Popular object in API service return. httpClient

I thank you for your attention. I'm having trouble populating a list of object returned from an API in Angular 7. My service ... by adding objects in the returned data and had no success, as it reports that my variable is undefined. Thank you again.

Error: can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form'

I'm creating an app in IONIC V 4 In the form using FormBuilder I added the tag [formGroup] appeared two errors: <for ... NativeStorage ], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {} What am I doing wrong? I appreciate it now.

How to receive the CPF number and format to do without the points and dash (input Mask)

I am creating a mask with inputMask, but the CPF is received like this: 222.222.488-19. And I want it to have the mask of No ... public myModel = '' public mask = ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/] }

Void function with Spring returning null in Angular 6

I have the following code to just delete a record in the bank and that should return a result with the status 204-OK. I use ... ork on the backend normally, including the one to remove. I have this exact function in another project that works perfectly.

Angular 6 - can Deactivate Guard not working

I'm having trouble getting Can Deactivate to work in my application. In the form file.component.html I have the following cod ... mponent, canDeactivate: [ProductsCanDeactivateGuard] }, ] Can anyone help me run this route guard on this page?