
Staticinjectorerror error when using Typeahead (ngx-bootstrap)

I need to use typeahead in a component, let's call component1. The typeahead is also imported into another component (let's c ... elegate.invokeTask (zone.js?d135: 422) at Zone.runTask (zone.js?d135:195) at drainMicroTaskQueue (zone.js?d135: 601)

How to disable right-click event in Angular 7?

I'm trying to disable that menu that appears on the page when the user right-clicks. In Angular, I can catch the click event ... e Right Click, the code is not triggered. @HostListener('click', ['$event']) onClick(event) { console.log(event); }

Angular 7 waiting Service reply to continue

Good Afternoon, folks, I own two methods, how do I wait for a method that is calling an external service to respond to contin ... ter the pick () address responds. Note: I did not want to make the call inside the cepService bycep (cep)

how to wait for a finished method to execute the next in angular?

Well, I'm doing an Angular course, I'm trying to understand the concept of Observables and Promisses, but I'm a little confus ... note: the methods are called in the component where I do the two-way data binding with the form using a 'onSubmit ' method'

Angular 7-How To Do "else if" with "* ngif"?

I am trying to do an "else if", to present the items of the category chosen by the user through a radio button. Only I only h ... [btn_deleta]="true" (outputDeleta)="deletar($event)" ></prime-table> </div> </ng-template>

Angular 7 child routes import component using modules

I'm trying to set some child routes in my angular 7 application but they don't work, I have the following scenario: I h ... y importing only the modules with the encapsulated components without having to import the direct component into app-module?

Name of input type radio with formControl

Good Night. I have created a component for a standardized template and I am having difficulty adjusting the name of the inpu ... ntrol-name="codigo_template" ng-reflect-value="1" ng-reflect-name="codigo_template" class="ng-dirty ng-valid ng-touched">