
Data path "" should NOT have additional properties(stylePreprocessorOptions)

I try to follow this rule Unfortunately, I get an error ... 0 Ng-packagr 10.1.2 Rxjs 6.6.3 Typescript 4.0.5

Losing translation with ngx-translate when giving build with ng prod

// translate import { Globalization } from '@ionic-native/globalization'; import { TranslateModule, TranslateLoad ... ordova build android --prod the translation does not work anymore, someone has already gone through it and could you help me?

How to implement Bootstrap 4 in Angular CLI

I am not able to use Bootstrap with Angular CLI. I'm using ng-bootstrap and I'm following all the recommendations of the site ... g-bootstrap'; @NgModule({ declarations: [OtherComponent, ...], imports: [NgbModule, ...] }) export class MeuModule {}

Format html text structure in the same format as a Word file [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... the user in a nice formatting and understandable. Is there any type of display or component that can display this Word file?