
How to get the current URL of the Browser with PHP?

For example, I have the following URL generated with the ngRoute of AngularJS:, the 25 is the ... the URL generated by angular ( Is there any way to get the current browser URL in php?

I can't navigate properly using ion-tabs (IONIC 4)

I have the following code structure: App-routing.modulate.ts import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { PreloadAll ... cking home should navigate to http://localhost:8100/home and so on. Thanks for the help, I don't know where to look anymore.

Angular 7 child routes import component using modules

I'm trying to set some child routes in my angular 7 application but they don't work, I have the following scenario: I h ... y importing only the modules with the encapsulated components without having to import the direct component into app-module?

Router Angular 7 appears the page I want but does not take the previous page and is both at the same time

I set up my files all correctly I think, but when I click on the button This is the router configuration page I put the sig ... avbar is adding the page I Want below the page I want it to leave when I click on signup does anyone know what I have to do ?

How to solve accentuation problem in Ionic

Guys, I went to pass a data through the routes in Ionic, Angular, only the data is a string with accent, when I put the varia ... ttons> <ion-title>{{ tituloPesquisa }}</ion-title> </ion-toolbar> </ion-header>

How to pass / receive data to components through routing

In my app-routing-module I will reuse the same component for four different routes, but I need to know a way to differentiate ... odule#xModule', data: { title: 'x' } } How do I retrieve this value in my component to do the logic I need?

Angular 6 - can Deactivate Guard not working

I'm having trouble getting Can Deactivate to work in my application. In the form file.component.html I have the following cod ... mponent, canDeactivate: [ProductsCanDeactivateGuard] }, ] Can anyone help me run this route guard on this page?