
How do I send form data in an HTTP PUT request to Angular 4?

I am trying to send the form data to the updated user data but not as it fails { "name":"User", "status":1 } How to tell An ... .http.put(url, { "name":"User", "status":1 },{ headers: header }); }

Where to find a website translated into Russian?

I am interested in detailed documentation on Angular 4 (namely v2+ and not AngularJS) in Russian. Not another author's lessons, but just like on but on the great and mighty. I will be very grateful, thank you in advance!

Invalid input when copying values to it

For the input in the reactive form, there is a simple validator for checking the phone (in the screenshot). If you enter the ... f you delete one character and then re-add or re-copy the entire number to the input, everything returns to the valid state