
Animate the text of a textView so that it is displayed progressively?

I would like the textView text present in My activity not to be displayed all at once, but gradually, something like a Power ... " android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> </RelativeLayout>

How to make animation occur several times

I have a project in which I imported animate.css so that the transitions were funnier, but one of them only occurs to me once ... ode above, the animation is only done once and I wanted one p to be replaced by another as many times as I clicked on button

How to loop in a time interval of an animation in JQuery?

I have a Guitar Hero style animation and I would like to repeat the green note animation falling in a set interval of time, but I'm not getting it... Http:// /

How to animate a Radial-Gradient or linear gradient with CSS?

I'm trying to make an animation with CSS that would be of a " sun " passing through an image. The idea was to have something ... 155, 61, 0.473), transparent 25%), url(; } } <div class="box"></div>

How to create image animation rotating, with decreasing speed, until stopping

I have this animation below in which an ImagemView rotates on its axis for 4 seconds. It rotates uniformly with the same spee ... ame 4 seconds. Example: a car tire. Ta turning, but when braking the car, this tire will slow down until it stops completely?

How do I make it so that when I press the key an action occurs until I release the key

- Origin: ... ="player"></div> I want to know how to make animation via keyboard events be fluid just like video game games.

How to make animation with SVG or CSS of a text walking along the path?

I have an SVG which is a text aligned on a Path. But my intention is to make the text "running" through Path, like a Marqueer ... ve correr --> <path d="M75,20 l100,0 l100,30 q0,100 150,100" style="stroke: #000000; fill:none"/> </svg>

Stop CSS animation after interaction

In the button below, I added an animation pulse to get the user's attention. I would like that after the user presses it, the ... tsAberta" onclick="document.getElementById('popcompany').style.display='block';"></a> </div> </main>

How to remove and add a class in one event?

See function rodarslider(){ (...) caption.classList.remove('sliderfect'); caption.classList.add('sliderfect' ... in one event with each click. If it was not clear I made this mini version of my script /

Unwanted delay effect

Problem: the animation of the desktop and soon menu is with unwanted delay (+or - 3s), but the mobile menu icon works as exp ... elay: none; I also tried with !important Code: is a template I picked up on the internet Cube

How can I make a "spin" animation in CSS using the border of a div?

The animation I basically want is when I hover in the fingerprint div the border is in loading for 3 seconds (a progressbar type animation, starting from 0 and reaching the end of the circle).

creating gif in r

I'm trying to create a GIF of the plot below: x<-NULL y<-NULL for(i in 1:500){ y[i]<-sum(rnorm(i))/i x[i]<-i plot(y~x, type="l") abline(y=0) Sys.sleep(0.25) }

How to pause or play the animation of a GIF in JavaScript? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... o.onpause = stopGifAnimation; audio.onplay = startGifAnimation; Is it possible to do this only with pure JavaScript ?