
Degrees of freedom Anova R

I'm trying to run a basic one-way ANOVA in R. library(drc) data=S.alba aov(DryMatter~Dose,data=S.alba) However, there are ... 65.62088 75.12662 Deg. of Freedom 1 66 Residual standard error: 1.066903 Estimated effects may be unbalanced

Double factorial in r with letters for differentiation

Dear I am trying to perform a double or two-away anova factor analysis. I would like to know how do I generate the letters o ... t mean in treatment x,y,z and etc... and within each cultivar what is the best treatment to be applied to it. Thank you all.

Multiple linear regression in R [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... ropriate script to perform the ANOVA, the regression and generate the graphs already adjusted for each situation. Sincerely