
Transcoding a part of the text in data.frame from utf8 to win1251 to R

There is an object data in the format data.frame, which contains columns with text in combination with other data, part of th ... ) Class 'labeled' chr "RYReR±resЂcЊ" .. .. LABEL: fo Str(t1) Class 'labelled' chr "R R RR S'R V±R S'RR'RЉ" .. .. LABEL: fo

What is the ANSI encoding in Notepad++?

Greetings to all. Opened Notepad++. There is an option to convert to ANSI. It is not clear what is meant by ANSI encoding in ... ial generic name for the windows 1251, windows 1252, ascii(7bit) encodings. So what encoding will the text be converted to ?

Symbolic constants in C

The question is more philosophical than technical. By definition a constant In the C language, a variable is named that canno ... ot allow such a construction: 'a' = 666; The question I want answered: "What is the immutability of character constants??"

Code:: Blocks, how to make the IDE save files in UTF-8

The problem is as follows: if I need to add a new *.c or*. h file to the project, I click New file and create it by automatic ... he file is created in ANSI. How do I set up automatic saving in utf-8? Manual conversion via notepad is already quite tiring.

What is ANSI and ASCII?

I would like to finally figure out how to properly name strings of 8-bit characters. What is a string of characters UTF-8 I ... them ascii, someone ansi, or just CP1251, if a specific encoding is meant. Help me figure it out. Google only confused me.

How to work with binary data

I have a function in C that takes two bytes one with higher significant value (msb) and one with lower (lsb) and then convert ... e another way to: buffer[0] = 0x84; buffer[1] = 0x03; Having these two bytes how do I convert to decimal the 0x03 0x84 ?

Insert multiple rows in Informix

I use an Informix Bank and have to make 3500 inserts. Informix runs Line by line and this is impractical. How do I insert all ... tabela (coluna1, coluna2, coluna3) values (valorn, valorm, valorx) I need to run these inserts simultaneously. Thank you