
What are the terms "Cascade " and" Classifier " in relation to computer vision?

Whenever I read something about OpenCV and Computer Vision I get two terms that are Cascade and Classifier, these Terms le ... hat is Cascade? what is Classifier? There are differences between Cascade and Classifier or both represent the same things?

What is it and what is it for PCA, LDA, ICA?

I am conducting research on detection and facial recognition for future implementation, my research came to the algorithm of ... In an image, I do I need to run the algorithm of Viola Jones and then the component analyzes or is it the other way around?

What are genetic algorithms?

Was reading a little bit about algorithms and suddenly quoted the Darwinism, evolutionary theory that explains the process of ... ic algorithms. Then the following questions arose: What are genetic algorithms? What relationship is there with Darwinism ?

What are evolutionary algorithms?

Researching on evolutionary programming, I came across the question What are genetic algorithms? In an excerpt from the ans ... ms evolutionary ... So I would like to know: What are evolutionary algorithms? what make up evolutionary algorithms?

How to calculate the ROC curve using only confusion matrix

I would like to know how to find the ROC curve having only the confusion matrix. tp = 55922 fp = 1221 fn = 1035 tn = 41812

Explain the SVR algorithm

Can anyone explain to me the algorithm Support Vector Regression ? (I use is from scikit) I've taken a look at some sites but I'm still not getting it right.

How to train a decision tree in R?

Let's say I have the following datasets. set.seed(123) n <- nrow(iris) indices <- sample(n, n * 0.8) treino <- iris ... ood if the answer included a brief explanation of what a decision tree is and the problems where this solution is often used.

Difference in main component analysis (PCA) graphs)

Today I was analyzing a dataset and noticed something I had never noticed before. In order to visualize a multivariate datase ... on autoplot? What transformation is it applying to my data to leave it with this reduced amplitude? And why does she do that?

How to separate similar images (Pyhton / Machine Learning)

Purpose: to separate images with equal characteristics from a folder with multiple images (exp: foto1, foto2, foto3, foto4 ... in the part I studied, I believe it would be something in the style : machine learning - > unsupervised - > grouping.

MLP neural network training

Hello, I am developing a neural network for recognition of 5 geometric figures: Circle, star, Pentagon, Square and Triangle. ... figure pattern, and the result of the error lines was the next: Is there a possibility that I will improve a little more?

naive bayes-Warning message: in date.matrix (newdata): NAs introduced by coercion

I managed to run the naive Bayes algorithm in R, but I am finding problems to make the confusion matrix of the result. This i ... 6 Atendimento Pessoal Reaberta VIVO Reclamação Móvel Pessoal Pré-Pago Cancelamento