
Broken linux-firmware package (Pop OS 20.04)

When trying to update apt update && apt upgrade, the terminal outputs the following: Настраивается пакет linux-firmwa ... nstallation script subprocess returned error exit status 1 При обработке следующих пакетов произошли ошибки: linux-firmware

sudo apt update: Err:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-security Release 404 Not Found [IP: 80]

I purchased a virtual machine on one of the European hostnigs, it is installed on it: root@1f68b6ff:~# lsb_release -a No LSB ... not have been tested as ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes What I do not do right?

How to install APT in snappy ubuntu core?

I put snappy ubuntu core on my typewriter for a change. now I can't use the usual apt. And without it-as without hands. tell me pliz, how to install it?

Nothing is installed on Ubuntu 17.04, apt-get doesn't work

Hello everyone, I recently took a friend's computer, because mine broke, there is Ubuntu here and of course I can't rearrange ... (DZ for the university must be done) I am waiting for your comments and answers, I will provide everything that you ask for)