
sudo apt update: Err:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-security Release 404 Not Found [IP: 80]

I purchased a virtual machine on one of the European hostnigs, it is installed on it: root@1f68b6ff:~# lsb_release -a No LSB ... not have been tested as ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes What I do not do right?

What does-y mean when installed in apt-get

There is a command sudo apt-get install -y nodejs, what is the-y parameter for?

Installing Qgis on Ubuntu/Debian

You need to install Qgis on Ubuntu. There is standard documentation, but the proposed solutions do not work. apt-get does not ... ort gpg --fingerprint 3FF5FFCAD71472C4 gpg --export --armor 3FF5FFCAD71472C4 | sudo apt-key add - That didn't help either.

Clearing the apt-get cache

How do I delete uploaded apt-get package archives correctly? I looked in the folder /var/cache/apt/archives And I found there a list of packages *.deb, you can just delete them, but it is not clear whether this is correct.

Node js routing

Good time of day. I write a site contrary to node js. And in the main file I have two routers app get app.get('/:actReg',f ... ling /: missPass routerit to /: actReg. Maybe it's because he's seen": "and it doesn't matter what's next. But how to fix it?

How to install APT in snappy ubuntu core?

I put snappy ubuntu core on my typewriter for a change. now I can't use the usual apt. And without it-as without hands. tell me pliz, how to install it?

How do I completely remove a package from Linux?

There was a problem with visual studio code, after some time working with it, linux just hangs, so I want to completely reins ... ns, and configurations. So here's how to remove a package completely from linux (And believe me VS CODE is not the only case)

Nothing is installed on Ubuntu 17.04, apt-get doesn't work

Hello everyone, I recently took a friend's computer, because mine broke, there is Ubuntu here and of course I can't rearrange ... (DZ for the university must be done) I am waiting for your comments and answers, I will provide everything that you ask for)

apt-get -u dist-upgrade

What does this command do and what does -u mean?