
How do I delete all the contents in a folder, but keep the folder itself?

How do I delete all files, folders, and links in a folder, but leave the folder itself? I have a temp folder and I put files ... manually delete each folder separately and for each to the file, then everything is normally deleted. What am I doing wrong?

Installing grub2 on GPT via UEFI

Hello, Rootcode. I try to put grub2 on a disk marked up under GPT on a machine with UEFI support, after which I ’successfully ... ge you can see: the system does not reach grub2 loading. Maybe someone has an idea what I did wrong and how to deal with it?

How do I change the keyboard layout?

Ilya Birman's typographic layout is only available for Mac and Windows. Only four characters are enough for me: Ctrl+Alt+ ... I reread a bunch of mans, including Keyboard configuration and X keyboard extension, but I didn't I figured out how to do it.

How do I update Arch Linux with LiveUSB?

I flew Arch Linux. Can you tell me how I can update the system if I have now booted from LiveUSB? Basically, I need to run the pacman command on the local OS.

yaourt - unsupported package + AUR dependencies

I try to install this package from the AUR. yaourt repository swears: ( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! ). And ... Arch. I tend to compile manually. Thanks. Update:With question #1, it seems clear. The link to the package sources is broken.

Squares instead of Arcolinux (Arch) fonts)

In many programs (figma, discord,...) which I put from the snap-store instead of labels, squares are displayed. How to fix it? terminus-font is installed. Locale -a C en_US.utf8 POSIX ru_RU.utf8

Black screen after installing Archlinux on VirtualBox

For the first time I put arch, I decided to try it on a virtual machine. The installation process went fine, followed the gui ... Общие папки:Нет Grub default settings, generated by grub-mkconfig. Grub settings: After working out grub: Fstab:

The Arch Linux graphical shell does not start

Such a problem. I built Arch Linux, installed a graphical shell Mate and LXDM. After I enabled LXDM via the systemctl enable ... er set: pacman-S xorg xorg-server, Mate: pacman-S mate mate-extra, LXDM: pacman-S lxdm. Please tell me how to fix it. Thanks.

Wifi doesn't work in Arch Linux

I put the latest Arch Linux on the laptop. Everything worked fine, but it does not work correctly to configure the adater to ... e: bcma-pci-bridge Kernel modules: bcma Iwconfig lo no wireless extensions. enp2s0 no wireless extensions.