
Interrupt/exception vectors in STM32, Assembler

I'm studying the Startup file for STM32, and I can't understand one thing. It is said that the interrupt and exception vector ... __Vectors_End - __Vectors ; Объявление кодовой секции для размещения ; подпрограмм обработчиков прерываний/исключений

How to hack bootloader?

The fact is that I need root rights, and for this I need to unlock bootloader. The problem is that when you choose to open it ... questions on this topic in support of LG, but nothing more than - "This is not provided by the manufacturer" I was not told.

cmake for arm and x86

There is a project that needs to be built for two platforms x86 and arm7. For each platform separately, CMakeLists looks so ... erence is in the compilers and Boost versions. Is it possible to somehow write a common cmake file to build with one command?

STM32 interrupt vector transfer

Good time of day. According to the theory, the controller based on the ARM CORTEXM3 architecture starts working by loading a ... tandard initialization function SystemInit() transfer the interrupt vector TO THE SAME ADDRESS AS IN the LINKER ?? Thank you

Android NDK. A lot of ABIs: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a… Which one of them is really worth building for?

Armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64, mips, mips64... Well, armeabi-it seems clear. This kind of architecture is on ... arm64-v8a? Which one is more relevant? How do I determine which one is supported by my gadget? Can there be several at once?

How do I install ubuntu on a strange device on the arm architecture?

There is a device that just loads with a black screen. Most likely, something was broken or broken. It has an sdcard slot. Th ... ccess so far. Maybe the wrong distribution or something else. I did not find a complete reset of the settings on the device.

multiple commands with python subprocess

I am developing a system (college work) that consists of a site for the use of a certain board. The problem is that in order ... e command I ran in os.system in it. Can anyone help me implement this command in subprocess or set a timeout in terminal64?

Method returns different data as per Android Architecture

I created a library for Android and that has a method that returns the milliseconds of the epoch date. I tested on 2 differen ... y(&tp, NULL); //Calcula os milisegundos da data epoch long ms = tp.tv_sec * 1000 + tp.tv_usec / 1000; return ms; }