Databases for different customers

I am learning MVC 4 and would like to know if there is a way with only 1 model to access different databases? For example, I have an online system and for each client I have a separate bank. What would be the best practice to do this?

MVC4 conditional Data Annotation

I researched pacas here and did not find a pro solution that I wanted. I wanted to know if anyone has done something similar ... 3/asp-net-mvc-conditional-validation

Undefined object reference for an instance of an object. in the declaration of an object

An error is occurring in my code only when I publish, when I am debugging it works normally. the error is as follows: " undef ... I comment the line "MkfFile file = New MkfFile (); " it works normally, does anyone know how to tell me where the error is?

Using DTO and ViewModel in project ASP.Net MVC

I have an ASP net MVC 4 project with the following projects: Domain repository contracts (interfaces) DTO's and th ... ecause as far as I know, the DTO serves to move data between layers and the viewmodel is used to expose the data to the view.