Error running project in Visual Studio 2015-Process with an id 7256 is not running

I'm trying to run a project I developed and this error is happening. Process with an id 7256 is not running. What should I do to fix this problem.

ASP.NET Web Forms or MVC. Which one is better and faster? [closed]

closed . This question is opinionated and is not accepting answers. ... great knowledge in WebForm, plus I see a lot of growth in MVC. Will the WebForm become extinct ? MVC is better than WebForm.

Copy data from one field to another [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... that next to the WhatsApp field had a button to copy the value, if the number is the same, anyone have any idea how I can do?

Select combo box or dropdownlist google maps

Guys I'm using google maps in an application is saving everything ok, but a doubt arose How could I select a combo box by sta ... t in json, it even lists the state in the combo, but can not send the latitude and longitude that is in the bank to the map.

Ajax request

I am loading the menu, of the system I am developing, through a request via ajax using jQuery, but the formatting of the menu ... .success(function (result) { $('#menuNavigation').html(result); }); }); </script>

Turn bank information into a Link

I am making a site in which brings a string from the bank but I want this string to be informed as follows, instead of it wil ... d> Here I bring the string item to appear on the screen, but I want it to be a button that opens the URL that is itself.

Dynamically load from the bank and mount a treeview in cshtml I'm not getting

Is as follows. I am not getting the satisfactory results in assembling a tree using checkbox as in a treeview. Well, when I p ... The point is that the checks are not assembled and with the fakes data they (checks) look great. Any help is welcome. Thanks.

JS or Jquery decrease image size and not just resize

Is there any way to decrease the size of the photo before uploading? Note: it is not just resize, as some test I did so resiz ... /div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="Salvar">Enviar</button> </form>

how to identify a string for json

I have a string in json format. This way: {"IdLead":4186960,"Concessionaria":"Mila - Centro","DadosQualificacao":{"Id ... screen, however, it appears in a line even. I would like to know how to identify this string to show in the identato format.

Logoff after editing a user Role

I am working on an project and would like to force user logoff after editing a user-owned role, using asp. net-id ... ser = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication; autheticationUser.SignOut(); return View(); }

Nest tag in another tag with foreach

I have this foreach, which I did with the help of you here at SOPT. It cost me to make it work, but it worked. Only I did it ... </ul> </li> } </ul>

What is Bind(Include = "property") used for?

When we create a CRUD with scalfold in the ASP.NET MVC, in the methods of POST, we have the following code: public Actio ... "Id,Nome")] Grupo grupo) {...} What is this [Bind] used for? When we use Grupo grupo, is Bind no longer done automatically?

Partial is not rendered

According this link from another question of mine that ended up generating error where I followed the steps related to anoth ... model.Numero) @Html.EnumDropDownListFor(model => model.TipoTelefone) } Note: I'm using the BeginCollectionItem package.

How to make editable template in ASP.Net MVC?

I see in many systems, (e-commerce mainly) the possibility of editing the system template by changing the CSS and HTML docume ... et MVC? These codes (CSS,HTML) because they are editable are written to the bank, how is the dynamic reading of these codes?

How to identify whether access is internal or external?

I have an application in asp.mvc that has 3 (Three) access types, 2 internal and 1 external. Internal access is done by LDAP ... no:56644/consulta) Other Usuario de acesso externo fora da rede interna quer consultar um pdf (ipExterno:56344/consulta)

Change a JS function to open two different Bootstrap Modal Windows - Asp.Net Core MVC

Currently, I have a Modal (modalGenerica) in my Index that generically opens the Create, Edit and Delete views. To open the C ... squisaAvancada").slideToggle(); } function closePainelPesquisaAvancada() { $("#divPesquisaAvancada").slideToggle(); }

How to upload multiple images to SQL Server using JSON in ASP.Net MVC?

I need to insert a set of information into the SQL Server Database data, but along with them some photos along with some stri ... _strlegendaFoto5 : strlegendaFoto5 }); }); }); </ script>

How to disable the ZIP code mask to save only the numbers entered when making a Post - MVC

I'm using a Remark component that has a data-plugin="formatter" in which it applies a zip mask to field. The field has a size ... for the mask not to be written, but in app web I do not know if it has how. Does anyone know how to help me? Big hug!!! :)

Prevent user from being logged in twice

In my project, I have a login module that works perfectly. Until quiet, but the way it is I can not bar the same user logged ... n RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); //pagina padrao para todos os usuarios... } return RedirectToAction("Index"); }

How to log off with Ajax?

I have my menu, and it has a dropdown <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="d ... the login, ignoring the RedirectToAction that is in the action LogOff and also does not accept the ValidateAntiForgeryToken