How to perform mathematical operation inside view in MVC

I am creating an MVC 5 web application for studies and I have a question: is it possible to perform a mathematical operation ... se the code like this: R$ @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.quantity * item.product.price) Presented this error:

How to leave field with values in bold

Situation I have a table made in html called payments and in it I have a column called values, I want to leave the fields wi ... </tr> } </tbody> </table>

Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type " value "is less accessible than method" value"

Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type "IClientManager "is less accessible than method" ClienteController.ClientContro ... t.State == EntityState.Added) { _context.SaveChanges(); } return result.Entity; } }

Does not delete record from list and SQL bank

I would like you to delete the desired record not only from the list but from the bank as well, how can I proceed ? It is goi ... o excluir CEP" }, Logger.EnumTiposDeLog.TiposDeLog.Erro); return false; } }

SMS not received

I'm trying to learn how to mess with twilio by applying it to a project, even test, in ASP.NET MVC 5. In the midst of my Goog ... Has anyone used their service that can help me ? Be another tutorial of how to create numbers and make this test submission ?

Error publishing application to IIS

I am publishing an application in IIS, and when accessing it I get the following error: HTTP Error 500.19-Internal Serve ... rver is configured not to list the contents of this directory." Remembering that IIS is installed on a Windows 8.1 machine

ASP.NET MVC 5 wheel on IIS 7.5 Windows Server 2008?

I have a website that is developed in ASP.NET framework 4.5 MVC 5 and is not opening in iis 7.5 Windows Server 2008, but in IIS Express Local Windows 7 opens normal. Missing something to install in IIS?

Hybrid Web application (MVC and Web API)

In Visual Studio when we create a web project it gives you the options to Mark: WebForms MVC Web API When I mark MVC + We ... + Web API in the same project or is it better to separate MVC from Web API into different projects within the same Solution?

I cannot download a file by actionlink mvc5

I know the error is in the way I'm interpreting the routine. I have a routine to download an attached file in a table. This f ... o the origin and location of the exception can be identified using Stack tracking exception below. Stack tracking: