
Problems enabling SQL Server + Android remote access

Good afternoon I made a webservice in, and need to access it through an android application. In any normal function, ... anagement, making remote access enabled, however, I use Visual Studio's local bank and not SQL Server itself. How to proceed?

Classic ASP server wheel ASP.NET?

I have a whole site made in Classic ASP and hosted on a provider. My client - who is a multinational-wants to put their webs ... bal support-and it is not guaranteed that it will run-that they will refuse to make the adjustments to run claiming anything.

meaning of redim in the classical asp

What does that mean? redim preserve VetRede(iCont) VetRede is a variable declared in the asp(I put that, otherwise the question body is out of the standard, few words), eheheheh!

ASP Classico: how to replace the character "indent" with "dash"?

I'm having a problem-when using a component for PDF-I ended up having an error of "Out of Range" when generating the PDF docu ... , "TRAVESSAO", "TRAÇO") My doubt is-as I inform the "crossing" in the code-that it does not exist on the keyboard. Valeu!!

AngularJs-object counter does not work within directive

I have a directive that adds text field to the screen through a templateurl. I need each created field to generate an ID of t ... lt;/i></button> </span> </div> </div> <%end select%> Result

SQL SERVER connection String for Classic ASP

How do I create a connection string for the classic ASP to connect with the Microsoft SQL Server Database

Create and manipulate arrays with ASP classic

How to create, feed and read array with key and value using asp Classic? I need to do something like this. $registro[] = a ... => "$v", "Sede"=> "$v", "Regional"=> "$v" ); Then I need something like foreach Could anyone help?

Send email using ASP.NET

I would like to know how to send an email using ASP.NET. the idea will be to click on a button called Send and send a [email protected] (personal) to [email protected] (business). Thanks.

What causes the "Unknown renderer type" error in Google charts?

Hello, I am making a program to generate charts and started to appear this error in some, but the strange thing is that, the ... me3" style="height:250px;"></div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> }

response write within response write

I have a website in database (writes the page code inside the table), example: <html> ... This code above I saved i ... his understanding as independent text of how I put the ASP variables, understand? or think I didn't explain right. Thank you

Error " settings to access the printer '"' are not valid."

I have an application ASP.Net MVC that makes product sale and printing of this sale we work with several brands of thermal pr ... ror occurs in the following Line: printDoc.Print(); Do not reach or enter the method. Has anyone been through this?

What is "PostBack"?

May sound like a silly question, but I can't understand how a postback works, if anyone can explain it to me thank you!

What is the difference between C# and ASP.NET?

What's the big difference about the ASP.Net what about C#? I program in C # for desktop, but I can not understand. Is C # pr ... top (Windows Forms Application) identical to C# used in web programming? And is the C # used in web programming equal to ASP?

Factory recovery of COM classes from CLSID component failed

I developed an application on my pc that does the following: from an upload of a word document, it generates a new document w ... ick " Add " to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.

How to distort an image using HTML 5 Canvas

I need to apply this image: In different shapes, like cups, bracelets, T-shirts, like these examples I tried with AspJpeg ... traight application. Now I'm studying a mode of being by HTML5 with the tag Canvas, but I'm not getting it. Thank you guys!

How to upload images to a folder using Classic ASP?

Is there any script for Classic ASP so I can upload an image to a folder. Ex: I click on a button, load the image, click to upload and go to a folder for example: C:\ASP\sistema\imagens.