
When to use success: function () and. done (function ()) on asynchronous requests?

In a simple way, I can write an asynchronous request like: $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', type: 'GET', ... like practical examples and, if possible, examples whose result is different when one or another approximation is performed.

What are Parallel loops.For and Parallel.ForEach?

Vi or use of Parallel.For e Parallel.ForEach in some places I know they are loops , but I have not understood how and when I ... e my doubts. What are loops Parallel.For and Parallel.ForEach? When should we use them? Have any differences between them?

What difference between async Task and void?

I use async Task with await when I need my code to wait for such a task to complete until it executes another process. In th ... o longa } In the example, what is the difference in the execution of the methods DoFooAsync(), called with await and DoFoo?

Are there differences between the terms Thread, multithreaded, Async and Await?

I asked this question here in the Ooverflow Stack: What is the solution for asynchronous processes in PHP? I did it becaus ... on of setTimeout No JavaScript )? I'm asking this because for me, who Program in PHP, it seemed to be all the same thing: p

What is asynchronism?

In a question about using or not using Node JS, I ended up having to give an explanation about what is asynchronism. And i ... re realizing what callbacks are and how they are used in asynchronous programming is necessary to realize what it is she is.

What is a state machine?

I'm doing a tour of the site, researching about asynchronism, threads, parallelism and the like. Upon finding this Answer, ... ith asynchronism, threads and the like. What would be state machine? What is the relationship with the mentioned terms up?

Difference between task and shared task in Celery?

I am implementing a time-consuming process in my Django application that needs to run asynchronously to avoid browser timeout ... red_task, but I didn't quite understand the difference between the two. I tried both and saw no difference in my application.

Promisses test in AngulaJS application using Karma and Jasmine

Hello, I have an application in AngularJS and I wanted to ensure the quality of my code by doing unit tests and I am using ... ce : projetoService }); })); it('Teste AbreLink()...', function () { var id = "1"; vm.abreLink(id); }); });

Asynchronous alternative to Thread.Sleep without crashing application in C# [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... ication, mainly using in loops. So here's a tip on how to wait for a period you want without causing any application crashes.

What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication?

I've heard a lot about asynchronous and synchronous communication, but I don't know what they really are. Could someone explain to me what the difference and how each one works? When and what should I use them for? If possible with code examples.