
Hardware + software PWM in AVR

Is it possible to implement hardware PWM with software correction of the fill factor ? I use the attiny85 MC, and in it the t ... | (1<<WGM00); // set prescaler to 1024 and starts PWM TCCR0B |= (0<<CS02) | (1<<CS01) | (0<<CS00);

AVR does not transmit data over UART

When I was working in Arduino, I used Serial.begin (9600). Now you need to implement a minimal UART on the AVR Here is the in ... ly to send packages from AVR. I sew up with a fuse of 8 MHz (there should be no problems in the recording and PC - they help)

Simulator for ATiny2313 in Atmel Studio 7

How do I get to the AVR simulator, namely ATiny2331 in Atmel Studio 7, and is it there? The most important thing is step - by ... gging and monitoring of registers and port tabs. You can do it without creating any binding. I don't know how to use Proteus.