
How to remove the alt and title attribute from images on WordPress

Hello everyone. Tell me, the site has a lot of pictures on each page, and on them I need to clear alt and title in the pict ... se? The solution with which to remove alt and title altogether is not suitable. It is necessary to remove them from the code.

How do I change the value attribute value in the input tag?

It is necessary to change the value using Javascript, because the search form is generated by itself and there is no access to the code. Thank you very much in advance.

How do I get the value of the js attribute?

I'm trying to connect the slider. The value to get is in the aria-valuetext attribute. I already wrote it (in js) and aria-Va ... work? $(".testt").attr('onclick', "onlinechanger()") And the function already calculates and outputs the result, as usual.

What gives the rel attribute value equal to bookmark?

What really gives rel=bookmark? For example, if you write the link link. According to the description of the html5 specification, I did not understand what it would be?