
autocomplete in JS

I need that when filling out the form, the data is searched in the database and offered for selection. I don't know JS myself ... s able to google it what I need-autocomplete, but how to attach it to this code I do not understand. Can you help me, please?

Ajax AutoComplete

Guys, please help, it is not possible to output data from the request for autocomplete. Using this plugin: ... encode($res); } Writes the following in the console an error: GET 404 (Not Found)

React Downshift: how to connect to an array that is on the network

I'm writing a small interface to the application with a map and displaying addresses with coordinates and hints in input, eve ... t data.region is in the response. Help me how to split the response if downshift sees nothing but a huge data.value response.

Autocomplete select event

Good afternoon! I use the autocomplete widget and connect it to several input JQuery: $("input[id^='reis_owner_id']").aut ... ut that id starts with reis_owner_id. How do I find out in the select event which input the widget is currently working with?

Google Autocomplete-duplicate requests

I use autofill in the program. Below is a lot of code, but I hope someone has encountered a similar problem, or will master i ... } else { notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } } }; } }

Atom auto-compiles JavaScript in HTML files

Tell me, is it possible to somehow configure the js autocomplete in HTML files? I've already tried everything and it doesn't ... tocomplete works, but it does not work to make the js autocomplete work in html. This is a big minus. Help me figure it out.