
How to map two list properties using Automapper

Class RegisterNewPessoaCommand public class RegisterNewPessoaCommand { public RegisterNewPessoaCommand(PessoaNatureza pes ... lId) : null ), new List<PessoaContato>() <========recebe as list de p.PessoasContatosViewModel ));

How to convert from List<> to IList< > using Automapper?

I need to convert with automapper a List to IList knowing that both are in different classes and one of them has constructor. ... p<MinhasPessoas, RegisterNewPessoa>() .ConstructUsing(ps => new RegisterNewPessoa(//Converter as listas aqui));

The INSERT statement conflicted with the foreign KEY constraint " FK dbo.Bod counters.Enderecos EnderecoId"

I have two problems. I have the entity Counter, address and City . I'm going to sign up for a new - count - , I got a dropd ... er, after it creates a new city, it adds the address in the bank, but when the counter persists, it gives the conflict error.