
Awesomium-displaying the current url

using Awesomium.Core; using Awesomium.Windows.Forms; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentMo ... te address after loading the link, taking into account JS redirects? Let's say that each redirect displays a link in textBox.

How to connect Awesomium instead of WebBrowser

And how much will the project weigh? And how to collect everything in 1 file, I understand that you need to add a bunch of dll files to the project folder... Or I'm wrong... I just watched some video, but there was a webkit.

Awesomium WebControl freezes

There is a program that creates several (2-8) Awesomium.Windows.Forms. WebControl in Form (used by Awesomium You m ... ed on, I am very interested in the soonest possible solving your question. If you need more code, write it and I'll add it.

How to connect to the Awesomium project?

I tried to write "Install-Package Neutronium.WebBrowserEngine" in the NuGet console.Awesomium", several libraries were downloaded, but the browser elements did not appear in the Toolbox. How do I fix this?