
AWS Lambda, NodeJs, MongoDb

I am creating a Lambda application with nodejs and mongodb, I managed to deploy and tested on aws, but I have a but, any lamb ... as many active connections. What can this be? I have to by some flag in command sls deploy --region us-east-1 --stage dev

In the AWS API-Gateway service, what does API with HTTP proxy integration and API with HTTP non-proxy integration mean?

I am trying to understand the practical concept of the meaning of API with HTTP proxy integrationand API with HTPP non-prox ... ed end-point. In non-proxy integration the end-point should be explicitly written to the URL. Could anyone explain better?

How to upload dynamically generated PDF to AWS with Laravel?

I am generating a PDF dynamically with the DOMPDF in the Laravel and I have to save the document in the Cloud service of the ... $s3 = \Storage::disk('s3'); $s3->put('pdf/contract', new File('contract.pdf'), 'public'); How to send it to cloud?

Peak connections MySQL + bad gateway nginx php

I have on AWS: RDS m5.xlarge MySQL 5.6 EC2 t2.small NGINX + PHP 7.1 In an intermittent way, my MySQL is g ... ns would not be little for her to become inaccessible? How can I better investigate the reason for this peak of connections?