
Creating and configuring email on AWS (SES)

I have an application in PHP and I need an email that will only serve to confirm registrations in my system (no-reply@meudomi ... ist? I'm using PHP's own mail function, it works correctly with SES or it would be need to implement it in a different way?

Identify database server (homologation and production) in two different environments

As in most cases, I have two environments: homologation and production, both for the server and for the database. I would li ... k, thus avoiding adjusting the host of the homologation bank. data every time the server was promoted to production (deploy).

Invalid ssl certificate when accessing by mobile browsers

I set up ssl certificates on Amazon's EC2 server for the company websites where I work and on the desktop it looked perfect. ... inform me why this occurs? In chrome for example appears: YOUR CONNECTION IS NOT PRIVATE NET:: ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

How to make an amazon EC2 instance listen to port 5000 via HTTP?

An EC2 Ubuntu instance that has NodeJS installed with an app that responds on port 5000 with the node command. I started Nod ... hrough meupublicDNS:5000 but it does not work. I couldn't configure port 5000 in security group. How to configure this port?

Which method is more efficient to scale, use a Redis as a service or Redis on disk?

I have a question regarding the best approach to caching data using redis. I would like to use a Redis as a Service like Amaz ... the responsibility and costs of managing a redis infrastructure? Or is it more feasible and practical to use it as a service?

SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: (0)

I'm using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and can't send emails with PHPMailer. On my local server it works right with exactly the same ... ve? Cross Post: Issue:

How to "link" an already purchased domain to a site on Amazon Ec2? [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... the dns is functional (here ) it gives me error. Has anyone done something similar and can you help me how to do this part?

Release other Amazon HTTP ports [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... configured on the IIS server each site on a port, but the firewall from Amazon only allows me to access port 80 from outside.

"Search declined" in [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... Route53 must answer for what is being hosted. resale hosting configuration default, but in this case it is not for resale.

Enable HTTPS in Amazon Beanstalk in Spring Boot application

I am finding it difficult to enable HTTPS in an application on Amazon Beanstalk in single instance. The application is d ... for help to Configure My application to accept receive https requests using the certificate generated on amazon. Grateful.

Return dynamic Struct in Go

How could I have a dynamic return in Go using struct ? Example: func teste() (*struct, err){ type t struct { } ret ... in the best way, I wouldn't need to reuse this struct in any location except this one, so I wanted to leave it inside func.

How to separate HTTP and IMAP access from the same domain on different servers?

I have hosting account in Locaweb, logically IMAP and HTTP . I am intending to migrate to AWS (Amazon Web Service). However, ... settings DNS inside Locaweb and redirect access to the site to the IP on AWS. But I don't know if it will affect the email.

Terraform: AWS bucket

Hello I am doing a terraform course and I came across an error that I am not able to pass. I created a container in docker wi ... t = "true" dynamodb_table = "terraform-state-lock-dynamo" } } The buccket I created on aws is named terraformgerson

AWS-how to CRUD in S3

I recently started studying AWS, and I'm feeling totally lost about the meaning of some things, how they work, and what their ... .Open)) { request.InputStream = stream; // Put object PutObjectResponse response = client.PutObject(request); }

What are the advantages of using AWS-StepFunctions?

Given that there is already a system or processes in progress (all functional) with AWS-Lambda functions what would be the ad ... ready have the logs implemented in CloudWatch? In another scenario, what if we were starting the system from the beginning?

Is there a need to do something to ensure delivery to queue (SQS) on AWS?

Assuming I have 2 microservices "A" and "B"that are communicating via an SQS queue "F". The microservice " a "can fall," B ... t rely on SQS availability and track in case something is not shipped instead of doing something to "secure delivery" to "F"?

Audio streaming server with files in S3 bucket

I am developing a web service in Node Js to be consumed by an app to stream. My audio files are hosted on AWS S3 bucket. So f ... { console.log('an error: ' + err); }) .stream().pipe(res, { end: true }) Any ideas? Thank you for help;)

How can I create vpn connections using cloud services like AWS?

I wanted to use the Google Cloud Service or AWS to connect to the internet via VPN, thus having an alternative route for the ... certain sites, and low in relation to the servers of these companies, and I think this process can solve. Can anyone help me?

Downloading multiple files from Amazon S3

Situation I have hundreds (and even thousands) of small (~50kb) files on Amazon S3 separated into buckets per day. Problem ... re another solution that someone has already used, some native AWS feature or some more efficient idea to solve this problem?

How to specify a blank in AWS CLI S3?

I use PowerShell or CMD to run a command on AWS CLI S3, the command I run is this: aws s3 cp s3://repositorioimagens/amplia ... the . --recursive). How to explain to the CLI that I want a blank in1022-IKON IMAGES > 1022-IKON(ESPAÇO EM BRANCO)IMAGES