
How to draw graphs in Java?

How to draw graphs in Java?

How do I print a large PNG on an A4 sheet?

I want to print an image on A4 that I get programmatically. Here is the method for getting the image: public BufferedIma ... ything. What could be the problem? I I don't know what to think, tell me. P.S. The size of the image comes out 1426Х756 пикс

ActionListener when working with Java Swing

It is necessary that when you click on the button, the color of the textfield changes... But it is necessary that the conditi ... Dialog(null, "Номер успешно забронирован!"); roomField1.setBackground(new Color(204, 0, 0)); } } });

Shapes are not drawn on JFrame (JPanel) when Layout(null)

You need to display buttons and shapes(arrows/lines) on one JFrame. For the location of the buttons, I set layout null, but t ... g2.drawLine(10,10,500,500); } public static void main(String[] args) { Check inst = new Check(); inst.draw(); } }

why javax. swing.JComponent is inherited from java. awt. Container

I study Swing from the book by Ivan Portyankin "Swing effective user interfaces, 2nd edition" . I read that the lightweight ... g so cleverly that the Swing components became lightweight? I can't understand this. Thank you all in advance for your help!

Difference between AWT and Swing in component rendering

What are the main differences between the swing and AWT interface building libraries in terms of how the components of both are rendered and performance?

What is Event-Dispatching Thread (EDT) in graphical interfaces?

When you are learning to build graphical interfaces with swing/AWT, you hear a lot about the Event-Dispatching thread (or EDT ... ese. From this I question: What is EDT and how it does it work while running a graphical interface built using swing / AWT?

Draw lines in graphical representation of binary tree

I am trying to draw a binary tree using swing and awt in java. I can already show the nodes of the tree but I am not able to ... 12); raiz.insert(raiz, 6); raiz.insert(raiz, 23); raiz.insert(raiz, 90); TreeGUI gui = new TreeGUI(raiz); }

JAVA - drawing polygons (triangles, pentagons)

Good I wanted to know if anyone could help me, I'm doing a project where I have to draw several figures, including triangle ... nadas(x1, y1, x2, y2); pEdicao.repaint(); } Does anyone know how to give me a tip or any help ? Thanks.

How to make straight the edge of the line drawn with Graphics in Java?

I made a program that draws lines on the screen, but the line is very deformed (image 2) in certain links. I wanted to know if it is possible to leave straight (Image 1) the edge of the line in whatever its slope. I'm using Graphics2D.

What is ActionListener for? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... ib swing). Because I'm having a little trouble understanding,so I would like practical examples of how to use such a method.