
Redirect With Jquery

I am making a system that makes a request ajax with axios. So far td well, I managed to make the request GET and list all the ... ('#btn' + ).click(function() { window.location.href = "post.html"; }); }); });

How to go through the data of this element

I have the following data element stored in a vector called repositories = [] (2) [{…},{…}] 0: rocketseat: Array(30)0: {nam ... // i++; // } What happens is that I can't walk through this array and can't even access its properties.

Persist data in the API, which comes from V-SELECT, using Axios, Vuetify, and Vue js POST method

I have a problem that when using the post method using axios I would need to send the data in the following json format: { ... ; { console.log(response) }).catch(error => { console.log(error.response) Could anyone save me? I appreciate it now .

Simulate Login to a website

Speaks devs, I am all day trying to implement a way to log in to a site with JavaScript, it is the site of my university, and ... gging in and is returning me the login page back, as if I had not even tried to log in. Very grateful if anyone can help me

CORS: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: it does not have HTTP ok status

I can get the TOKEN from my application, using PostMan, as follows. This works perfectly, and me return the Token. However ... I fix this problem ? because the request for oauth/token by postMan works, now with Axios returns the CORS error cited above.

Error in Axios get - React Native [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... I don't know if any configuration has to be done on it for the request to work, but I can use the internet with it normally.

Image Upload with Axios to a Node server.JS

I'm trying to upload an image using the Axios library, but it's not coming to the back end. Image input <input type="fil ... d: XMLHttpRequestUpload, onreadystatechange: ƒ, …} status: 200 statusText: "OK" I've tried many ways but nothing is working.

Error 401 Unauthorized Token authentication with Node, Vue, axios, and jwt

I am in the middle of a course where tentatively we are using a fixed token validator in the application like this: require( ... ed in the way it is... Any tips what could be happening? Repository Link: