
How to send a POST via axios to API?

I send a post to the telegraph API using axios. post () in nodejs. in response, I get that the token is invalid. although, if ... og( } }).catch(err => console.error(err)) Here is the API documentation

how to properly connect axios to vue

Here's how I connect it to main.js import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import axios from 'axios' import VueAxio ... .catch(console.log); }, And the console returns the error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'axios' of undefined

How to make a callback only when the images from the get request are loaded

I make a request to the address return which returns the generated html. the request code looks like this: document.addEventL ... oading it looks like this How do I make sure that the loading indicator does not disappear until the images are loaded too?

Axios. How do I send data via Post?

There is such a code: data () { return { loading_cell_phone_number: '', loading_zip_code: '', loading_c ... n such a way that the key would be the value: 'data2' and the value of this key would be `1 ' and without any empty strings?

Authorization via nodejs (axios)

No one has ever done authorization on via nodejs (axios)? I have a problem when sending a request https:// ... identical as in the browser, that is, the uniqueuid and Session_id are contained, but I do not understand where the error is.

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Network Error when using a GET request

React app In general, I have a very strange problem, I wrote the code on a Mac, and everything worked fine, I filled my "sit ... dMount() { Axios.get('./phone.json').then(({data}) => { this.setState({ phone: data }) }) }

How to configure Vue cli DevServer proxying of different urls to a single api server

The application on the vue cli goes to the api server. Here are the vue.config settings.js module.exports = { devServer: ... o/api/order/1? Set axios.defaults.baseUrl = "" it doesn't help! I do not know in general what to do)?

connecting axios to vue when using gulp

I recently started working with vue and previously everything that I connected to the project immediately worked, for example ... ferent options, maybe not the standard ones. even if it is not a fact that it will help, please give options in the comments.

Error with authorization - axios (401 ERROR)

From the request --sees an error : --------Request failed with status code 401 It's main folder): const [email, se ... us).toBe(400) expect(r.message).toBe('Please provide meeting end time') }) done() })

React and PHP interaction

Tell me in as much detail and clearly as possible how you can link the main React file with all the parameters in the state a ... tirely clear where to send the request instead, if everything happens on localhost

React + Axios help parse

Please help me parse JSON through react and axios. There is such a code class App extends React.Component { constr ..."></script> </body> </html> And I can't fix the error

Network Error when requesting a server via Axios

Request code on the client, testing on the locale (connecting to localhost: 4000): export const sendData = data => ... e Internet everywhere they write that the problem is in corss but I have the necessary headers already present as you can see

Doing a Get using Axios (Vue.js)

I'm trying to pull a list of names coming from a json ( ) using the axios but I do not unde ... data.results; }) .catch(function(err){ console.log(err); }) } }, } </script>

How to send application files to the API

I have an APP in React-native and an API with Laravel The two are communicating correctly, sending data from the APP to ... s from the app to the API I can get the address of the image on the mobile phone But then on I don't know how to proceed

Request react native with axios

I am trying to make a request with axios to a server, and for this I need to send an access token. The token is correct, but ... en(function (response) { console.log(; }).catch(error => { console.log(error) }) }

React Native application does not connect to Node server.js on my laptop

I'm developing an app in React Native, using expo. I have a Node API.js running on my MacBook. Both my mobile when laptop a ... wall of the machine - I checked if the router configuration 'AP isolation' was enabled, and it was not. - among other things.

Using API no React JS

I'm new to ReactJS and I'm learning about API. I'm trying to use a Star Wars API, but it's not giving me back. I've used othe ... HTTP error: status code 404, net:: ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME No Firefox: I don't know what to do and how to do to fix this.

Request is presenting Cross-Origin request Blocked in app Reactjs

I am developing an application in React and previously created a restful API with node and express, in my api I added The cor ... nfig.port}`); resolve(); }) .on('error', err => { reject(err); }); }); }

React: display HTML in Modal react Boostrap

I am developing a SPA in React for an event and I need to consume a folder with files HTML and display them in a modal of Rea ... l.Footer> </Modal> </div> ) } } Thank you, any help will be of great importance.

Axios get Giving Network error

I'm doing a react Native course, but since my computer didn't run Genymotion, I had to improvise and downloaded BlueStacks to ... os from 'axios'; const api = axios.create({ baseUrl: '' }); export default api;