
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object error when checking the bcrypt hash in python

Authorization code class Login(Screen): def do_login(self, loginText, passwordText): app = App.get_running_app( ... when logging in, it throws an error: TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object. Sqlite database, hashed using bcrypt.

Login with Play! framework

I am trying to create a login system in the system but I am having the following problem: public Result salvaNovoUsuario() ... ogin()); } Is there a way to save the password that has been set and use it on login since I will never have the same hash?

How does bcrypt work?

I did not understand very well the operation of salt of bcrypt , in javascript code (node): const bcrypt = require('bcrypt' ... ated salt, how then bcrypt makes this comparison, since the value of salt will interfere with the final hash of the password?