
Web scraping with BeautifulSoup-find next does not return text

I want to extract the text from the excerpt below: <div class="matchDate renderMatchDateContainer" data-kickoff="1583784 ... ner" data-kickoff="1583784000000"></div> While in the browser I I can see the text: Could anyone help? Thanks.

I can't do "web scraping" properly from a Python comic strip site

Well, I was making a code that would check the day of each strip / gif of the page and, if the day is the same as the current ... e: print("Não foi possível baixar a imagem!") return False n += 1 return True get_img()

In requests, how to correctly read ISO-8859-1 encoding?

In Python3, with beautifulsoup4 and requests, I want to extract some information from a site that has 'ISO-8859-1'encoding. I ... -8' sopa = BeautifulSoup(req.text,'lxml') sopa.find('h1').text '\r\n CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE SÃO PAULO'

Scraping data using Robobrowser

I'm trying to scrape a form, to insert an attachment and submit, using Robobrowser. To open the page I do:'u ... ution to this? Or is there another way to fill out a form and submit it with other tools except RoboBrowser and Beautifulsale

Download images from a python txt list(links)

First I imported the packages and created a class and its definitions: class Scraper: def __init__(self): self.visited ... ass a list.txt with multiple links, has it like, using a repeat loop? Images that are downloaded from the link in the code:

bs4.FeatureNotFound (error in BeaultifullSoup and parser)

I need to extract all text from an html. So I decided to take a look at BeaultiSoup, to see how I did it with him. But he beg ... rary? I did the installation of lxml and changed it to html.parse, but the error remains the same. can anyone give a help?

Get a specific HTML attribute using Beautifulsale

I'm trying to capture (catch) an attribute called srcset inside a tag img <img _ngcontent-games2-c5="" class="mdc-image- ... s attribute if i Inspect Element inside the site through the browser. Questions: How do you do that? What do I need to do?