
How does bitwise or in c++work?

I'm trying to solve the problem "Delete or maximize" (site-Timus Online Judges, number-2110) I don't understand how bitwise o ... looking for the sum, even though i doesn't go beyond the array bounds, and in general, I don't understand how the bitwise or

Getting bits from bytes

For example, there are 8 bytes of data. There is a starting byte and a starting bit - where you need to get the information, ... gth 2 bits) Or for example, from the 3rd bit of the second byte, take 14 bits (that is, the second and third bytes are used)

How to replace 1 bit of an integer without changing the other neighboring bits?

I want to change 1 bit and keep the same values of the other neighboring bits. The bit operator shifts left or right, changi ... . As an alternative, I change the integer itself, with this the bit I want is changed. Please, can anyone help? Thank you!

What is the": "(colon) for in the statement of a member of a structure?

I saw this: typedef struct { unsigned char a : 1; unsigned char b : 7; } Tipo; What does this statement mean? What is this 1 and 7?

Using "bytes" and " bits"

What is the use of bytes and bits ? I'm reading some C and C++ programming books that talk about bytes and I wanted to kno ... uble Ponto flutuante com 2x de precisão 8 bytes -1.7E38 a 1.7E38 (precisão de 16 dígitos) void vazio 0 bytes

What is bit-by-bit operation?

I've read a few things here in Stack Overflow, but I didn't quite get it. What is bit-by-bit operation? For example, in context: Considering the bit-by-bit operation 15^3, the result will be:

What are logical operators and how does bit-by-bit operations work in the C language?

What are logical operatorsNOT, AND, OR, XOR, in language C? I also did not understand these operators: ~, &, |, ^, > ... printf("x <<2 = %d\n", y); y = x >>2; printf("x >>2 = %d\n", y); system("pause"); return 0; }