
How to round the edges of Bitmap (Android)?

How do I round the edges of a Bitmap image to the desired radius? I must say that libraries of the CircularImageView type are not needed, because they are specifically interested in changing the Bitmap, not the View.

C# looking for libraries/classes for fast-performing filter overlay

I apply filters to the incoming image with the request, and then send it back I process all this now using Bitmap, very conve ... .B)); } Saving an image in response per request Picture.Save(listenerContext.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Png);

Every image on android should be treated as a bitmap

I was having a problem with loading images into a TextView, when I came across a pretty dumb doubt, rs, would anyone know how ... larify me, I appreciate it. And also, no matter where the image comes from, should I always resize it as if it were a bitmap?

Generating Bitmap of shot photo

I am trying to generate a bitmap of a photo taken: public void onClick(View v) { final Runnable runnable = new Runnable ... folder, be visible / indexed in the public album, just as it happens with whatsapp. Does anyone know the best way to do this?

How to create a solid mask from a semi-transparent Bitmap?

I want to create the image on the right, from the one on the left. And I have the following structur ... ld use? Mess with pixels directly? Or who knows there is another means through the canvas? Whoever has any idea, send it in.

Why does the image get bad quality?

Well, the question is simple, Why is the image in low quality? Code: Main Class: @Override protected void onActivityR ... t.getParcelableExtra("image"); this.image.setImageBitmap(image); Pictures: Original image: Image in activity Image:

How to scale a bitmap quickly

I'm making a game using SurfaceView and I need a bitmap to have, for example ,a size of 20x20 ,but this bitmap is reused in o ... native method Bitmap.createScaledBitmap. Note 2: if necessary ,there is no request for further information or code snippets.

Rotate image around center itself

I am developing an application in C # and would like to know how to freely rotate a bitmap that is drawn on a pictureBox wi ... ound the specified point, however I would like the image to rotate around your own center. Can anyone help with this problem?

How to mount a BMP header (Bitmap) in C

Hello. I am wanting to mount a BMP in C language. I only get the image data, data size, width, height, bpp. I managed to m ... come from the calculation of the variables I received? I didn't quite understand what they represent... Thank you right now.

What is the most efficient way to resize bitmaps on Android?

When a device has lower screen resolutions, you need to resize the bitmaps to optimize their display on the display properly. ... t of out of memory errors after resizing a set of small images. What is the most efficient way to resize bitmaps on Android?