
Index of the first negative number of a vector

I have to make a program in C that saves the index of the first negative number, but I am not able to do. The question is thi ... if the first negative number has a [4], for example, it does not work. It only works if the negative number appears in a [0]

What difference between Boolean and boolean?

I performed some tests using Boolean and boolean and apparently returned the same result. See below: Boolean bool = true; ... ng it. Is there any difference between Boolean and boolean? What can influence my application at the time of its declaration?

What is Boolean?

What is Boolean exactly? Could you give practical examples? Does it make a difference to write true or True?

When to use And, AndAlso and Or, OrElse? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... 2: if(lastToken == 0 & lastToken > 2) { ... } But I don't know if I use & or &&. Which should I use?

create "contains" function that tells if an array contains a certain element and returns true

I have tried several ways with indexOf (it is a requirement of the question to use), but I am having a lot of difficulty, bec ... tes the position of an element in the array and also indicates a particular value for elements that are not inside the array.

is" = = true " useful for something? It's better "!"or" = = false"?

Is putting Useful in checks, or is it completely useless? It is better to use ! or == false. Example: if (pessoa.estaMor ... taMorta()) .... if (pessoa.estaViva() == true) .... if (pessoa.estaViva()) .... I did a survey and found nothing about it.

Function that returns if one we can go to the bank with true / false? [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... s FALSE even if the date being Friday and the schedule being 10. Would anyone know how to explain what is causing this error?

Store multiple boolean States in only one bool variable [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... like that. So, would it be like in this 1 byte to store more than one boolean state since true / false would only need 1 bit?

(~ABC)+(A ~ B ~ C) + (AB ~ C) + (ABC)

I am trying to solve this Formula: (~ABC)+(A~B~C)+(AB~C)+(ABC) (~ABC)+(A~B~C)+AB (~ABC)+A(B+~B~C) But I don't know how to get out of this last part. I know the end result has to be a~c + bc. But I don't know how to get into it.