
Programming under Linux in Delphi

I want to switch to Linux, but I haven't decided on which one yet. I program in Delphi myself, so I don't know if Linux suppo ... it has not been updated for a long time and therefore is outdated, are there normal Delphi development environments in Linux?

How do I remove the click transition sounds in TWebBrowser?

Please tell me how to remove the sounds of clicks from page to page in TWebBrowser?

Link the ComboBox string selection to the data in the ListBox C++ Borland Bilder

There is a combobox with three lines and two listboxes. There are 21 numbers in the first listbox, and these numbers are tran ... I select the second row of these 7 numbers are no longer there, they remained in the first row and they can be viewed there.

Message "unable to open include file' Stdio. h`"

I need to install Borland C 3.1 on the computer. In general, I threw it unpacked, started working, when checking writes: "unable to open include file Stdio.h". And so with all the libraries, can something be done or not?

Video mode in Borland Pascal

Task: Draw a circle of the specified radius in the 320x200 point mode for the VGA video adapter. I work in Dosbox Implemented ... ithout interrupts, referring directly to the video memory, the assembler practically does not understand how to implement it?