
Binary Search Algorithm in Python

Hello, I want to create a function that given a list to and a value m within this list, return the position of the value m ... e "<input>", line 1, in <module> File "<input>", line 28, in bissecp IndexError: list index out of range

Using vectors and Binary Search in portugol

One of the most commonly used activities on the computer is to locate an object (Number or string) in a data set. You will ne ... to fimPrincipal I did not succeed, I wanted help to know what I can fix or even if someone would have a better solution.

Incorrect value in vector when I do Binary Search [Duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... ying to make the index 3 of the vector vet appear but instead of printing 1 prints -5, What is the reason for this to happen?

pass the value of a python variable to a MySQL search

I'm on a demand and still haven't been able to solve. It is as follows: def main(): chave = [valores_lidos] while(c ... re code. This is a binary search. I think there is no need to post everything. If there is a need, tell me that put the rest