
How to round with 2 decimal places in javascript using a specific rule?

Hello. I need to make a simulator in which a student enters Grade 1, Grade 2 and he calculates the average. Note 1 is multip ... n standard rounding functions, up to 5 it rounds down and from 6 it rounds up. Can anyone help me in this matter? Grateful.

Calculate post office freight for various products

I am trying to calculate the freight of several products using the WebService of the post office , but I am having doubts/dif ... : ex.: 20 (for 20cm); nvldiameter : * No required There is, for example, no option for more than one item, only that data.

Subtract extract months between two dates in javascript

Hello to all GODS of SCRIPTS, I am having difficulty extracting the total of months between two dates ex: datafinal(29/03/20 ... elas:</label> <input name="numeroparcelas" type="text" class="form-control" id="numeroparcelas"> </div>

Excel: create scale with 2 known points

Wave, I'm having a problem-q I believe to be much more mathematical than a formula in Excel. I have a list with percentage ... M VALUE = 12%.... 25 points How many points are 42% worth? 23%? I swear I am burning the Cuckoo.. kkkkk Thank you Daniel

Calculating Integral using R

I am needing to calculate this simple integral below: This is the quantile function of the standardized normal, where we k ... this for this function? I think I can Would that be correct? For me gave -1.170456. I would love your help. Thank you.

Root and power in C#

I need to do Root and power calculation according to the logic that follows You.. so far ta funfando using System; using Sy ... default: break; } //Final do Switch operacao_press = false; } } }

Calculate distance between two points by latitude and longitude

I need to calculate the distance in Kilometer (Km) between two points through their latitude and longitude. I did not find an ... 5 Long: -51.1716005 I found ways to calculate them when they are in degrees, but nothing when they are in this formatting.

Calculation of hours for point PHP + MySQL

I am creating a table for calculating employee hours worked, but I am not able to do the calculation to know if the correct a ... '<td>' . $item["dt_saida2"] . '</td>' . '<td>8 Horas</td></tr>'; How can I calculate this?

How to calculate value of installments with interest?

I need help to calculate amounts with interest for simulation of billet payment via PicPay According to the PicPay Page, ... oIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> </body> </html>

How to make a generic implementation of the bisection method in MATLAB?

Good Night, I am having the following problem: The code developed in Matlab to calculate roots of the equation using bis ... f(media))<tolerancia_desejada)) break end end %Exibindo Resultado da Operação fprintf('A Raiz é: %f',media);

BubbleSort complexity calculation

I would like to know how I can demonstrate by calculation induction the complexity of the bubblesort algorithm, both in the b ... i] = alist[i+1] alist[i+1] = temp alist = [54,26,93,17,77,31,44,55,20] bubble_Sort(alist) print(alist)

Format sum result with comma - Jquery

I am performing a sum of all values pertaining to a column of a table. When returning par to html, it is being returned with ... ;/td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div id="totalrecibo"> aqui retorna o valor </div>

What is the meaning of the statement of the twice multiplication operator?

How does the multiplication operator work when declared twice, for example: $valor = 10**5;

Calculate change and display notes available with JavaScript

I have a class activity to do, where I must receive from the user the amount of the purchase and the amount paid, and then di ... </form> <script type="text/javascript" src="troco.js"></script> </body> </html>

Help to solve two Javascript questions [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ar num3 = 30/2; var resultado = num1+ ', ' +num2+ ', ' +num3; return resultado console.log(resultado) } Thank you :)

Present derivative expression in Visual Basic

I am using the "Extreme Optimization" package to learn how to use more advanced calculus and mathematics in programs using th ... K) End Sub Function Differentiation(ByVal x As Double) As Double Return Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(x, 5) End Function

Calculation of derivatives in Java

Hello, Good Morning. I'm here asking for a light for a problem I have, my programming teacher asked us to make a code that c ... 've researched and even seen some codes, but they don't meet the requirements the teacher asked for. Thank you all right now.