
How does C / C++ know how much memory to free up if it doesn't know the size of the array?

In C / C++, in order to process an array, you need to know its size. Accordingly, you should always "remember" this size and ... r to the array. And if C / C++ can somehow calculate the size, then why constantly "drag" it with you in a separate variable?

Differences between calloc and malloc functions

What is the difference between the malloc function and calloc? Are there any cases where only one of these functions is suitable?

Error: the expression must be a valid left-hand value to change. What does an error mean?

The program must allocate memory for the square matrix #include<stdlib.h> bool WidPam(int** X, int str, int sto) { ... (int)))) { printf("Недостаточно памяти\n"); return false; } } return true; }