
How to remove position-specific characters from a string?

I have a string read from a file that contains a data and the special newline character '\n'. Example: dado = 'teste \n' ... e string, then I can remove the last two characters, but how can I remove pointing to the specific position of the character?

Print special characters in c that are in a file.txt com local library.h

My college semester program has several screens that print large texts of arquivo.txt, however, as I do in C language, some ... n the Ubuntu terminal, and even I putting the locale.h and setting up I'm not understanding why it's not printing correctly.

How to delimit the number of characters written per line in a "txt" output, in R?

I am writing a filelog and I want to print it on an A4 sheet. One of the parts of this filelog has a variable, with the fol ... have 13 elements (5 characters + 1 space per element). Note: the limit of 80 I set as a function of the width of the sheet.

How to read string from a specific word?

My doubt is as follows: If I have the phrase "the mouse gnawed on the king of Rome's clothes" How do I read only from "Ro ... 4561 / These strings have different widths and I want to get from www to the end of string

How to space two texts in centimeters in the same Excel cell?

As shown in the figure below. I need to tab in a single cell two texts so that from one cell to the other (from the same colu ... it should be better and faster than studying and restructuring this worksheet. Thank you for your contributions or comments.

What are the main differences between Unicode, UTF, ASCII, ANSI?

What are the main differences between Unicode, UTF, ASCII, ANSI "" encodings? Are all of them really encodings or are some ... rs? I do not intend to know all the details of each, only a brief of each and, if possible, how they differ from each other.

Print a character instead of a number

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { char str[50]; int i, l = 0; printf(" We will coun ... code. I would also like to know why when I put "\0 " instead of '\0' the program doesn't work: it goes into an infinite loop.

how to increment letters in php? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... p that increments a letter in the received name ex: If the user enters precise letter B it turns it into a forward i.e. C.

Show the amount of each letter of the alphabet in a String

I am doing an exercise in Java where the user enters with a sentence. After that, I have to list how many letters there are i ... t(i) == (char) c) { qtdn++; } System.out.println((char) c + " = " + qtdn); c++; } }

How to identify a line break character in C?

Problem: sometimes I get an input like (and the input continues) Other times like: (and the input continues) Th ... = 2; } } How can I identify this line break to stop receiving integers and exit the while loop?

How to show congruent sign (≡) in cmd

I was trying to make a "design" with ascii in cmd but comes out this set of characters: "Ôëí", I know q is because of the delimitation of the characters that cmd can show and etc. but can you help me?